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Upward Bound


Our Objectives

Academic Performance-grade Point Average (GPA

Academic Performance-Grade Point Average (GPA):
75% of participants served during the project year will have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better on a four-point scale at the end of the school

Academic Performance-grade Point Average (GPA

Academic Performance-Grade Point Average (GPA):
75% of participants served during the project year will have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better on a four-point scale at the end of the school

Academic Performance on Standardized Test:

40% of UB seniors served during the project year will have achieved proficient level on state assessments in reading/language arts
and math.

Secondary School Graduation (Rigorous Secondary School Program of Study):

95% of all current and prior-year UB participants who graduated from high school during the school year with a regular secondary school
diploma will complete a rigorous secondary school program of study.

Postsecondary Enrollment:

75% of all current and prior-year UB participants who graduated from high school during the school year with a regular secondary school
diploma will enroll in a program of postsecondary education by the fall term immediately following high school graduation, or will have received
notification by the fall term immediately following high school from an institution of higher education of acceptance but deferred enrollment
until the next academic semester (e.g., spring semester).

Postsecondary Completion:

60% of participants who enrolled in a program of postsecondary education, by the fall term immediately following high school graduation or
by the next academic term (e.g., spring term) as a result of acceptance but deferred enrollment, will attain either an associate or bachelor’s
degree within six years following graduation from high school.


Youth STEM Leadership Development

Teaching is more than imparting knowledge; it is inspiring change.

Learning is more than absorbing facts; it is acquiring understanding

– William Arthur Ward    


Our Education Advocates.


Aaron Cortes

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Program Manager

Sergio Plazola


STEAM Advocate / College Success

Yesenia Garcia


STEAM Advocate / Folkloric Lead

Camilo Lais

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Executive Assistant

Betty Brandy-Vizcarra


Professor / Evaluator

Marcelo Caplan


Our Story

Showcasing the impact and services of the program in enhancing college readiness and success in STEM fields.


Our Services

TRIO Upward Bound offers college readiness and academic preparation to high school students at no cost. 

  • After School

  • STEAM Academy

  • College Readiness

  • Dual Enrollment

  • STEAM Conference

  • Social Impact

  • National and Global Access

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